Stucco Maintenance: A General Guide

PAINTING AND RECOLORING Parex USA Finishes typically maintains its appeal throughout its long service life. However, Parex USA DPR Coating or Elastomeric Coating can be applied again to Parex USA acrylic finishes if preferred. It should be understood that coatings will change the original finish’s texture and shine. Recoat Gel is made to preserve the texture. If the coating will be applied over existing sand or sand fine finish, this is a particularly crucial factor to take into account. Some of the texture may be lost in these finishes because of the aggregate size. It is advised to utilize a tangible sample when matching the color of an existing Parex USA finish because older finishes can have somewhat changed from their original hue.

The current finish must be tidy and dry. You can use a brush, roller, or suitable spray equipment to apply Parex USA Coatings (follow the product data sheet for application). Over existing finishes, coatings typically show good surface coverage after just one application. However, it could be necessary to use two coats depending on the texture and/or color of the current finish. Apply the coating in vertical strokes, overlapping each by half a roller width, for single applications when using a roller. Apply the first layer in horizontal passes and let it dry if you’re using two coats. Similar to a single application, the second coat should be applied at a right angle to the previous coat.

REFINISHING AND RESURFACING It is advised that a physical sample be sent to the Parex USA Color Department for analysis and matching if the finish material must be carefully color-matched to the previous work. Even then, the new finish may differ slightly from the original finish because of wear and tear or a variation in the applicators’ texturing methods. If a wall surface needs to be refinished, a panel or a bigger area to an existing break or termination may provide a more acceptable appearance than a smaller patch area.

Refinishing should be entrusted to an applicator with prior knowledge of the use of Parex USA Materials, in accordance with Patching and Repairing. One of the techniques mentioned above must be used to clean the area first. Secondly, a skim coat of Parex USA base coat (Cementitious/Acrylic type) should be applied to the clean, dry existing finish and troweled onto the surface to a consistent thickness in order to entirely fill the voids left by the original texture. Use installation instructions from the Parex USA EIFS application Guide to embed reinforcing mesh, if requested, into the wet base coat if increased impact resistance is desired or reinforcing mesh is required to repair other locations. Apply Parex USA Primer if primer was used on the previous job to enhance the new finish’s color consistency and availability.

Follow the application directions provided in the Parex USA Product Data Sheet for the desired finish and texture when applying the new finish. Sealants & Flashings When water first enters a building, it should be noticed as a problem and fixed as quickly as feasible. Like other wall claddings, EIFS systems depend on flashing and sealants to stop moisture from getting behind the cladding’s face.

Therefore, it is advisable to routinely inspect the installation at these important locations:

  • The edges of windows and doors.
  • Joint expansions
  • Abuse of materials that are different.
  • Penetrations, such as those near fixtures, hose bibs, outlets, scuppers, and other similar areas.
  • Wall terminations at the top and bottom
  • Intersections of the sidewall and roof line Joint sealants may need to be replaced in order to be repaired.
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